What does each school receive as a part of the program?
- Axiom Helmets – A pre-determined number of brand-new Riddell Axiom helmets will be distributed based on the school’s tackle football classification. Approximately 25% of helmets will be distributed annually during the four-year program (2025 – ’28).
- Helmet Starter Kits – A pre-determined number of kits will be distributed based on the school’s tackle football classification. Kits include basic maintenance items, extra face masks and visors and will be distributed in year 1 of the program (2025).
- InSite Analytics Subscription – A subscription to InSite Analytics will be provided throughout the duration of the four-year program.
- Riddell Sideline Device – InSite Smart Helmet Technology is accessed through the wireless and Bluetooth enabled handheld device which will be distributed in year 1 of the program (2025).
- Dedicated Program Support – Staff will be available to answer questions in-person, via phone and online, as needed.
- Educational Opportunities – The Denver Broncos Foundation and Riddell are committed to providing educational opportunities for players, coaches, administrators and parents throughout the duration of the program. Opportunities will include Zoom Information Sessions, In-Person Trainings and Coaches Clinics.
What is the cost to participate for schools?
- There is zero cost to the schools to participate in the program. Schools will be asked to review and sign a participation agreement to enroll in the program.
- Participating schools will be responsible for annual helmet recertification and reconditioning costs and services. This is especially important to ensure replacement of the InSite player unit battery.
Why did the Denver Broncos Foundation choose to partner with Riddell on this program?
- Riddell has been the long-standing leader in football head protection and protective athletic equipment for more than 95 years and the company is dedicated to giving back to the football community while advancing the sport through game-changing innovations and technology.
- The Axiom is the culmination of Riddell’s never-ending commitment to athlete protection and performance. The Axiom’s comprehensive protection system is the first of its kind and now available to Colorado high schools.
- Although there are no official numbers, Riddell estimates about 78% of the market share for NFL helmets and 88% for Division I colleges. Additionally, Riddell outfits about 75% of the youth and high school football market and over 75% of the market for helmet reconditioning.
How was the number of helmets per school determined?
- Tackle football classifications are determined based on total student enrollment. With assistance from CHSAA, the average roster size for each classification was determined based on 2024 participation data reported by Colorado high school football programs. Each program will receive the number of helmets of their classification’s average roster size (approx.). This is a fair and equitable way to distribute helmets to every program in the state.
What is the average lifespan of a football helmet?
- Football helmets have an approximate 10-year lifespan and must be recertified regularly. Recertification and reconditioning are recommended every year, but required at least every two years. Recertification takes place between three Riddell plant locations in the United States with the facility determined based on geography and requirements of the order.
Why are the helmets being distributed over a four-year period instead of all at once?
- On average, tackle football programs turnover 20 – 25% of their helmet inventory each year. This is due to natural wear and tear and determined during the reconditioning process. By distributing helmets over a four-year period, schools will be adding new inventory at a pace that is consistent with their current helmet budgeting and purchasing habits. Helmets will expire on a staggered schedule which will prevent schools from having to replace a significant percentage of their inventory in one year. Additionally, programs can budget in advance to cover other costs associated with their team operations.
How often will the helmets be reconditioned and who is responsible for reconditioning?
- Similar to the current process, individual schools are responsible for the maintenance, reconditioning and recertification of each helmet in their inventory. This includes the donated Axiom helmets. This is a cost that schools should plan for in their annual budgeting process.
- The Denver Broncos Foundation expects that the Axiom helmets will be reconditioned annually at the conclusion of each high school football season. This is especially important to ensure replacement of the InSite player unit battery.
Are reconditioning costs for the Axiom the same as other Riddell helmets?
- Reconditioning an Axiom helmet, battery replacement, and the InSite unit recalibration are estimated at an additional $30 per helmet (as compared to a SpeedFlex or non-InSite equipped helmet). Reconditioning prices vary based on the requirements of the job/service.
How was the number of Helmet Starter kits per school determined?
- The number of Helmet Starter Kits was determined based on the total number of helmets a school will receive throughout the duration of the program.
- 6-man through 2A = 3 kits
- 3A and 4A = 6 kits
- 5A = 9 kits
- For teams interested in additional Helmet Starter Kits during the lifespan of the program, Riddell will offer as a catalog item for purchase.
Does the total helmet allotment change if a school changes CHSAA Classification after the 2025 season?
- A school’s designated helmet allotment at the time of program launch will not change throughout the re-classification process.
Can an Axiom helmet be used by multiple players?
- Axiom’s Tru-Fit™ System customizes a factory-installed performance liner system to create a personalized fit. An Axiom helmet cannot be transferred to another player without a reconfigured liner system. If an Axiom is transferred to a different player, a new head scan will be required at the time of reconditioning.
How are athletes scanned for new helmets?
- The Riddell Head Scanning App is utilized via a mobile device in a well-lit area to capture a 3D image of the athlete’s head. The athlete provides basic information (e.g., playing position) and a series of photos are taken to confirm hair style at the time of the scan. The person conducting the scan walks in a circular motion around the athlete to complete the imaging. It takes approximately 10-15 minutes per athlete to complete the process.
What is the deadline for TRU-FIT™ SYSTEM head scans to be submitted to Riddell in order to receive helmets in time for the 2025 season?
- The majority of head scans should be completed by March 1. As needed, additional head scans will be accepted to accommodate special circumstances until May 1.
Are schools required to utilize the InSite Analytics data collection and reporting tool?
- Schools are not required to utilize InSite Analytics, but are encouraged to learn about the comprehensive system before making a final decision.
Why is InSite Analytics important?
- The data collected, along with the analysis of the reporting, can be used to proactively influence player performance and reduce head impact exposure.
How does InSite Analytics assist with player performance?
- With impact location tracking, coaches will be able to monitor proper technique for tackling and blocking for individual players, position groups, and by team. The data from InSite Analytics may also be used alongside practice and game video footage to review plays where improper technique was utilized so that the coaching staff may work with the player(s) to reteach them.
Who has access to the helmet data?
- Riddell owns the data and uses the deidentified information for product development, support and enhancements. Schools receive aggregated reports, specific to their program, which they can use for internal purposes.
How will Colorado coaches be supported with customer service needs?
- Riddell has staff dedicated to ensuring all 277 head coaches have in-person, phone and/or online support when needed.
How is the data delivered to the head coach?
- InSite Analytics breaks down helmet impacts and reports directly to the coach and designated team staff via email. Coaches and team staff can customize their reports to see impact breakdowns by player, position group, and team.
How many schools utilize InSite Analytics?
- Nationally, 1,415 teams subscribed to InSite Analytics in 2024.
Can schools and/or individual athletes purchase additional Axiom helmets from Riddell throughout the duration of this program?
- Yes, Colorado schools and individuals interested in purchasing additional Axiom helmets can do so through Riddell and will be offered a discounted pricing structure based on quantity. They should contact their Riddell representative for more information.
How can coaches, players and parents learn more about the Axiom, TRU-FIT™ and InSite Analytics?
- The Denver Broncos Foundation and Riddell are committed to ensuring that all participating Colorado high schools feel supported and prepared for the ALL IN. ALL COVERED. Statewide Helmet Distribution Program.
- Coaches, administrators, players and parents will be invited to educational opportunities about the Axiom and InSite Analytics. Events will include, but are not limited to: Zoom Information Sessions, In-Person Training and Coaches Clinics.